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Palm Unveils the Palm Pre Smartphone

Palm has just announced their latest and greatest smartphone, the Palm Pre and it is the first of several mobile devices to run WebOS. The software, according to Palm, was designed from the get-go to be “constantly connected to the Web.” It’s based on a battery of Web standards: CSS, XHTML, and Javascript, meaning it’s immediately familiar and accessible to Web developers.
At 2.4 x 4.0 x 0.7 inches, the Pre is slightly small and the 4.76-ounce phone offers a more cramped thumb-oriented QWERTY keyboard. The design appears sleek especially with keyboards extended. In
addition, the Pre offers design innovations like a “gesture area” underneath the screen where one can swipe and flip away at the UI without obscuring the screen.
Palm Pre has a 3.1-inch display with 320-by-480-pixel resolution. It features a 3.0 megapixel camera and built-in GPS, 8G flash storage. WebOS will run and keep open multiple applications, and lets users
instantly flip from one to the other. Notifications or alerts are handled via a scrolling notifications bar at the bottom of the Pre’s touchscreen: You can respond to the notice at once or leave it until
later.Another interesting feature is the Synergy, a synchronization program that automatically pulls contact information from sites like Facebook, Google and Outlook, organizes it and creates a single listing in the
Pre. The phone also offers a consolidated instant-messaging feature from multiple IM services.
Pre will be available exclusively via Sprint in the first half of this year. Pricing is yet to be disclosed.

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